CBD Marketing Restrictions and Solutions
For many small- and midsize businesses, digital marketing is usually a no-brainer. It’s relatively inexpensive and allows easy retargeting to customers via ads that follow the consumers around the web. However, state and federal restrictions and guidelines have created blocks that stop marketers from directly engaging with, and retargeting, consumers via digital channels like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google Ad Network, Google AdWords, TikTok, etc. Bummer, right? Well, not necessarily. Two major marketing channels do not limit CBD consumer outreach: direct mail and email marketing.
Direct Mail
According to the DMA Response Rate Report, direct mail response rates outperform all digital channels combined by 600% – this is invaluable knowledge for any CBD business trying to reach consumers. In turn, 70% of consumers reported via Fundera, that direct mail is more personal than online interactions. It’s important to remember that choosing which CBD brand to purchase is a highly personal choice for users of CBD products.
Direct mail formats are highly flexible and creative. From letters and postcards to brochures and door hangers, the variety of mail is wide-ranging.
Direct Mail Retargeting
This channel has proven to be one of the most cost-effective, reliable, and personal ways to reach CBD consumers. When a website visitor leaves a CBD site, digital retargeting is not an option. That’s why brands turn to direct mail retargeting – and it’s a surprisingly affordable channel as low as $1 per mailed postcard.
Email Marketing
Pairing direct mail with email is an excellent way to boost response and gain brand recognition. Email is one of the most affordable marketing channels available and shouldn’t be overlooked. Your email subscriber list a powerful companion to just about any marketing campaign. Just remember to be mindful when scheduling out email deployments. It’s easy to over-schedule and cause an aversive effect.
FREE Webinar!For those who want to learn more about CBD marketing and best practices, we invite you to register for our free, upcoming CBD webinar. You’ll gain an understanding of marketing restrictions in this highly regulated industry, and discover solutions that will help you market and grow your CBD brand in a legally, compliant way. Register here.
Call a Direct Marketing Specialist at 800.959.8365.