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Ethnic Mailing Lists Come of Age

Ethnic Mailing Lists Come of Age

Mailing lists targeting specific ethnic groups have been around for the past 20-30 years. However, the major issue with the ethnic lists of old were just that – they were old and the logic used to categorize households by ethnicity relied...

10 Referral Marketing Tactics

10 Referral Marketing Tactics

Savvy independent business people understand the power of referral marketing. In fact, many independent businesses - such as financial services professionals, interior designers, caterers, or personal trainers - grow their business exclusively...

5 Steps to a Successful Product Launch

5 Steps to a Successful Product Launch

You've done your homework. You've created compelling, accurate, and relevant product positioning for your new product. You've taken a close look at the competition and evaluated your product's position in the market. You know what makes you...

Writing Isn’t Easy – 3 Ways to Get It Done

Writing Isn’t Easy – 3 Ways to Get It Done

As the head writer here at Modern, I wear a lot of hats. Website writing. Multiple direct mail campaigns. Print ads. Email promotions. Blog content. Collateral materials. You get the picture. Needless to say, I have to come up with a lot of words...

10 Ideas for Adding QR Codes to Your Next Printed Piece

10 Ideas for Adding QR Codes to Your Next Printed Piece

Have you seen QR (quick response) codes popping up seemingly everywhere lately? So have we. In fact, quite a few Modern customers have been adding these funny-looking codes to everything from mailers to brochures and business cards. So how are they...

What Keeps a Mailing List Guy Motivated? The Hunt.

What Keeps a Mailing List Guy Motivated? The Hunt.

Our List & Data Solutions Manager gets a lot of questions about mailing list types, targeting by geography, figuring out demographic selects and so much more. His favorite question? Why have you been doing this for over 11 years? His answer is...

Celebrating Your Customers!

Celebrating Your Customers!

It's always a good idea to celebrate your customers. After all, without them you would not be in business. And, the holidays are the perfect time to acknowledge and thank your company's most lucrative resources. If you haven't done so already, you...

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