Let’s Celebrate National Postcard Week!
Celebrate National Postcard Week with Modern Postcard

The Origins of Postcards
Long before digital communication methods like emailing, texting, and social networking became the norm, people relied on more traditional forms of contact, such as in-person conversations and letter writing. As print technology evolved in the late 1800s, envelopes adorned with comics, musical melodies, and Valentines began gaining popularity, hinting at the early precursors to the Postcard. The official birth of the postcard came shortly after, with the US Congress passing an act on February 27, 1861, that allowed privately printed cards, weighing one ounce or under, to be mailed. That same year, John P. Charlton secured the copyright for the first postcard, paving the way for the standardized use and commercial production of postcards in the United States.
Is There a National Postcard Day?
While not a single day, National Postcard Week offers a whole week to celebrate the postcard’s history and cultural impact. Dive deeper into its story on Wikipedia’s National Postcard Week page.
What Does It Cost to Send a Postcard?
From its humble beginnings at 1 cent per postcard, the cost of sending a postcard has evolved. Stay updated with the latest rates by visiting our USPS pricing guide.
What’s So Special About Postcards?
Postcards hold a unique place in our hearts and histories for several reasons:
- They are collectible, turning moments in time into tangible memories.
- They serve as souvenirs, capturing the essence of our travels and experiences.
- They remind us of great vacations, bridging distances by sharing our journeys with loved ones.
The Evolution of the Postcard
Postcards have seen various styles over the years:
- The Early Modern Era (1916-1930) known as the white border period. American printing technology had advanced, creating higher quality postcards with white borders around the featured picture.
- The Linen Card Era (1930-1945) of postcards was 1930-1945, enabling publishers to print postcards on linen paper stock with brilliant colors. View cards, comic cards and political humor cards of World War II were often printed during this time.
- The Photochrom Era (1939-present) remains the most popular of postcards, celebrated for its superior quality print reproduction.
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