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Why New Movers are Excellent Direct Mail Prospects

Why New Movers are Excellent Direct Mail Prospects

Did you know that on average, consumers spend more than $9,000 on purchases within the first few months following a move*? Your business can reach this first-rate group of prospects with the right mailing list, then reel them in with a killer...

Choosing Color in Direct Mail Design: Red Edition

Choosing Color in Direct Mail Design: Red Edition

When holiday marketing season is in full swing, the color red is unavoidable. It presents its bold hues in seasonal headlines, enticing sales and offers, party invitations and more. But how does red affect your non-holiday marketing designs? Take a...

Choosing Color in Direct Mail Design: Orange Edition

Choosing Color in Direct Mail Design: Orange Edition

When creating your direct marketing piece, headlines and body copy matter. However, the colors and imagery you choose matter even more, as prospects will subconsciously scan your piece right out of the mailbox in mere seconds. So, how do you...

Hey Good Lookin’ – Top 5 Trade Show Design Best Practices

Hey Good Lookin’ – Top 5 Trade Show Design Best Practices

First dates, job interviews, meetings and trade shows — what do they all have common? The need to look your best. Your display at a trade show is your chance to make a great first impression with the attendees. An attention-getting booth design is...

[PDF Guide] 10 Essentials for Effective Postcard Design

[PDF Guide] 10 Essentials for Effective Postcard Design

Are you familiar with all the content and layout components that make up a successful flat postcard design? We’re talking about strategically-designed postcards that stand out in the mail and garner a better response from your target audience. In...

An Insider’s Glimpse into the Direct Mail Crash Course

An Insider’s Glimpse into the Direct Mail Crash Course

Modern Postcard hosts numerous Direct Mail Crash Course (DMCC) seminars across the country. Keith Goodman, Modern’s VP of Corporate Solutions, offers successful strategies to help maximize the ROI of your direct marketing programs — and the...

The ABCs of Direct Mail Marketing

The ABCs of Direct Mail Marketing

Studies from the 2015 DMA Response Rate Report prove direct mail outperforms all digital channels by nearly 700% in terms of response rates. If you haven't integrated direct mail into your marketing mix, now is a great time to graduate to the next...

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