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7 Web Design Flops to Avoid

7 Web Design Flops to Avoid

We hate you break it to you, but there's no perfect website out there – mainly because technology, design and user experience evolve on a day-to-day basis. What is trending in user experience this month, may be passè 2 months from now. Innovation...

The 12 To-Dos of Direct Mail Design

The 12 To-Dos of Direct Mail Design

Just like The 12 Days of Christmas, successful Direct Mail design can reward you with an abundance of gifts — and by gifts, we mean new customers! They may not come from your true love (get it?), but we’re pretty confident new business will warm...

They Say It’s Your Birthday

They Say It’s Your Birthday

As another 29th birthday approaches for me, I’m reminded of the power of marketing around this personal milestone. I absolutely love seeing what brands send me in the mail on my birthday. There’s something about a special promotion – just for me on...

7 Ideas for More B2B Direct Mail Sales Leads

7 Ideas for More B2B Direct Mail Sales Leads

When I provide direct mail marketing solutions for my clients, I have found that these tips increase direct mail sales leads and response. Be sure to include a cover letter whenever you are sending printed literature to prospects or customers. Use...

10 Common Proofing Mistakes (That Make You Look Bad)

10 Common Proofing Mistakes (That Make You Look Bad)

I can’t help it: grammatical errors, typos and layout mishaps literally jump off the page, pleading for me to fix them. Whether I’m glancing over a restaurant menu, driving by billboards, or navigating my daily inbox of emails – they’re all there,...

Postcard Design Spotlight: Communication Arts

Postcard Design Spotlight: Communication Arts

When using direct mail as part of your marketing mix, the need to grab a reader’s attention is crucial. While people sort through loads of daily mail, you have about 5 seconds to get them to decide whether they read your mailer or toss it into the...

What Is The Perfect Process?

What Is The Perfect Process?

Every company is different, even those that produce the same type of product. Every person is different, even those that produce the same type of work. Take this into account and add in variable elements like climates both environmental and...

Postcard Design Spotlight: Inhabit

Postcard Design Spotlight: Inhabit

Client: Inhabit, inhabitliving.comPromotion: Product promo placed in shipped ordersProduct used: Full color Sumo Size PostcardThe old saying goes “a picture is worth a thousand words”, and this postcard speaks volumes of it. Sometimes, depending on...

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