Direct Mail Fundraising Best Practices
When it comes to Direct Mail fundraising best practices there are a few things every non-profit should keep in mind. Right off the bat we’d like to point out two things: segmentation and personalization.Best Practice #1: Segment Your Donor Audience...

Connecting Digital to Direct Mail for Better Response
In this article we’ll explore why connecting digital to direct mail is something to consider when launching Direct Mail Marketing campaigns.Let’s simply start with how to add digital marketing to Direct Mail. If you are running a Direct Mail...

Direct Mail strategies for the holiday retail marketing season
When it comes to retail marketing, do companies still use Direct Mail? This is a question we receive from time to time, especially from small business owners with zero or limited experience with Direct Mail Marketing. While some of the world’s...

Building Effective Direct Mail Campaigns for Non-Profits
Non-Profits are always looking for more engaging ways to capture attention and response from new donors and existing donors, and creating effective Direct Mail campaigns is a way to do just that. Social Media marketing has been a staple marketing...

HVAC Direct Mail Marketing
Are you looking for HVAC direct mail marketing tips and support to get your business more customers and sales? Then look no further because you’ve come to the right place. The direct mail marketing experts at Modern Postcard can help you get the...

Modern Postcard’s Direct Mail Crash Course – Sponsored by the USPS®
Our popular Direct Mail Crash Course is a free, half-day seminar for anyone who wants to learn more about direct mail marketing and how this channel can help a business of any size grow and retain its customer base. Presenting this course is Keith...

7 Direct Mail Testing Ideas
Direct mail testing can help you improve the effectiveness of your direct mail campaigns by allowing you to compare different variables to see what works best for your target audience. A direct mail strategy isn’t a “one and done” kind of thing....

How to Use White Space in Your Direct Mail Design
Direct mail is a fantastic way to quickly communicate with prospects and attract new customers to your business. However, due to the constrained space on direct mail, it’s important to only include relevant information and eliminate unnecessary...

How to Start a Conversation With Direct Mail Campaigns
Despite the rise in popularity of digital marketing over the past few years, direct mail marketing campaigns remain a successful sales tool for businesses to stand out from the competition and gain more customers. According to HubSpot, the Direct...