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Understand your customers with Clarity Dashboard!

Reveal hidden insights of your own data with Clarity Dashboard.

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Know your customers like never before.

When marketing fails, it’s most often due to misunderstanding of the target audience and customers. In addition, almost 60% of marketers don’t know the basic demographics of their own customers – like gender, age, income, and more.

Our Clarity Dashboard gives you this insight into your customers so you can make better decisions about your marketing.

Compare Data Sets in the Dashboard - Age Analysis

Compare Data Sets

Comparing data sets gives you deeper insight into differences between customers and website visitors, locations, seasonal purchasers, and more.

30+ Demographic Charts

Dozens of charts that reveal age, gender, income, home value, family data, and more! Cross-referencing data is easy and quick with interactive elements.

Clarity Dashboard Screenshot showing over 30 Demographic Charts
Geographic Mapping of your Customers down to the street level

Geographic Mapping

Locate your customers down to the street level. With our built-in overlay of home value and income, you get a clearer picture of who they are.

Behavior Segmentation

Group customers into specific behavioral segments that detail age, income, purchase intent, political leanings, and more. Compare to the market and see where you over-index and have better resonance.

Behavior Segmentation Dashboard

Stop guessing! Learn about key aspects of your customers.

Learn about your customers - Demographics - Icon


Over 30+ graphs and charts comparing age, gender, household income, and more!

Learn about your customers - Behavioral - Icon


Analysis includes political leanings, purchase intent, and attributes within dozens of segments.

Learn about your customers - Geographic - Icon


View clients at street-level accuracy and overlay household income at-a-glance.

Learn about your customers - Compare to Market - Icon


See your own data compared to the national market and know how you’re resonating with your audience.

Understanding your own customers is the key to good marketing

You’re spending money on marketing right now.
But, is that spend as effective as it could be? The adage “Know Your Customers” is more important than ever in a world of multi-channel marketing. The studies prove the importance of understanding your audience, how many don’t, and how few ads reach an intended audience.


% of Marketers who think high-quality data on their audience is important to success


% of Marketers who have NO Demographic Data on their customers

Source: HubSpot; Nielsen


% targeted ads reaching the intended audience

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