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Our Digital Retargeting Improves Website Conversions

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Drive website visitors back to your site with Digital Retargeting.

Every marketer is challenged with increasing website conversion. Digital Retargeting helps by bringing visitors back to your site and keeps you top of mind.

Modern’s Digital Retargeting service is simple. We’re a single-source for both digital and Direct Mail Retargeting. We help you create and launch a unified, multi-channel campaign that increases your website conversion.

Get help with your website conversion. Call 800-959-8365.

The proof is in the results for every business industry: retargeting works.

About 90% of Americans use the internet to browse search engines and social media, to shop for products, and make purchasing decisions.

Are you retargeting those visitors that go to your website? Your competition certainly is…almost 50% of all businesses use retargeting advertising. It’s a simple process. We simply follow customers around the web and Facebook, and place ads that remind them of your business. 

If you’re not doing this, then your visitors are going to get your competitors’ branding, offers, and messages…instead of yours.


Website visitors who are retargeted with display ads are more likely to convert by 70%.



Three of five online viewers notice and consider ads showing products they viewed from another page.



The click-through rate (CTR) of a retargeted ad is 10 times higher than the CTR of a typical display ad.
