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Customers Bought Once, But Not Again

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  4. Customers Bought Once, But Not Again
Bringing in new customers is always important, but we’d become so focused on that task that we often overlooked the chance to sell more to existing buyers.

We had a whole slew of customers in our database that had purchased from us once, or maybe twice, but hadn’t come back.

When I reviewed these accounts, I didn’t see any evidence that they were dissatisfied with our products.

Rather, it seemed more like a case of “out of sight, out of mind.” We hadn’t contacted them in a while and they’d simply forgotten about us.

Reactivated dormant buyers
So I decided to set up a campaign to reactivate these customers.

Since I didn’t want to spend a fortune wooing them back, I sent postcards that reminded prospects of their past purchases and reintroduced our company. Depending on the buyer, the postcard’s message might:

  • Invite the customer to visit our booth at an upcoming tradeshow
  • Offer a 10% discount, or
  • Offer a free product with a new purchase

The initial effort worked so well that I now send 20-30 postcards to dormant customers each month.
(Rita Shaffer, sales and marketing manager, Standers Choice Health Mats, Aston, PA)


Reprinted with permission from
The Marketing Report
370 Technology Drive
Malvern, PA 19355