Preparing Your Holiday Card Layout
“Frontside” = “Outside”
The frontside of the card has the card’s “outside” panels. When giving us instructions, or building your layout, all “outside” information and/or files should be together.
“Backside” = “Inside”
The backside of the card has the card’s “inside” panels. When giving us instructions, or building your layout, all “inside” information and/or files should be together.
Click here for more Greeting Card Product Information
Folded Card Pricing
Pricing Estimates
You can use our convenient online estimate system to customize your order to meet your specific needs.
Click here for Pricing on Greeting Cards
Layout Pricing
- If you are having Modern Postcard put your layout together from your own instructions, our base cost includes:
- 1 scanned or digital image placed on the front panel with no border
Typesetting on the inside panels of the card (listed as backside in the online order form)- Folded Greeting Card: 100 words typesetting included
- Folded Double Deluxe: 150 words typesetting included
- Folded Double Sumo: 200 words typesetting included
NOTE: If the inside of the folded card is going to be blank, the free typesetting can be transferred to the outside panels (listed as frontside in the online order form.)
All other layout service; additional scans/digital image placement borders, logos, etc., can be requested at additional cost.
Click here for additional Layout Pricing Information
Inkjetting & Handling Services
Don’t have time to write or print addresses on your cards or envelopes? We can take care of it for you!
Our inkjetting and handling services include the following when mailing with Modern Postcard:
We can inkjet directly on your cards, or onto our custom sized envelopes.
Inkjet return address ($25 min.) $5 per 1,000
Inkjet return address on back of envelope fee $25
Inkjet supplied mailing list $20 per 1,000 + $60 setup
Machine insert cards into envelopes and seal ($55 min.) $55 per 1,000
Manual insert cards into envelopes and seal ($80 min.) $80 per 1,000
Insert additional card into envelope ($10 min.) $10 per 1,000
NOTE: inkjetting and handling services will add a minimum of 1 day to your turnaround time, and may add more days depending on quantity and seasonal volume.