Direct Mail strategies for the holiday retail marketing season

Any retail marketing strategy would benefit from adding Direct Mail as a way to reach new prospects, while also retaining current customers. In the retail space, a catalog works wonders to keep a brand at the forefront of the recipients’ future purchasing decisions. Catalogs not only showcase a company’s products or services, but they are an excellent way to entice consumers to make a purchase by including exclusive deals and discounts with set expiration dates. This strategy works especially well during the holiday season and deal-oriented end-of-year retail events such as Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
Pairing Direct Mail retailing with digital marketing
Because of the competitive nature of this industry, having retail marketing strategies in place is more important than ever to keep any retail business alive. One way to keep your business top-of-mind with consumers this holiday season, is to enhance your Direct Mail Marketing with matching digital retail marketing, such as email and social media campaigns. At Modern Postcard, we offer a program called Modern MAX to do just that. In short, Modern MAX helps you launch matching social media and online ads in tandem with your Direct Mail campaign. This strategy of turning a single mail piece into multiple impressions to the same audience, both on and offline, gives you a leg up above the competition during the busy holiday shopping season.
To learn more about how to pair Direct Mail with email marketing specifically, we recommend this on-demand webinar to help inspire your holiday sales planning.
Direct Mail retailing is not only for brick and mortar businesses. E-commerce platforms use it too, to drive traffic to their online stores. Companies use catalogs, brochures, and postcards to offer customers the best deals available – and people are loving it! In fact, research by the USPS® confirms that nearly 90% of Millennials love receiving mail and agree it’s a reliable advertising source. The study also revealed that 57% acted on Direct Mail offers. Furthermore, Small Biz Genius reports that 73% of American consumers prefer being contacted by brands via Direct Mail because they can read mail at their own convenience.
A proven digital retail marketing strategy that includes the power of Direct Mail
Perhaps you’ve heard of digital retargeting where ads from websites you’ve visited follow you around as you browse the internet. These kinds of ads are called retargeting ads. They can be a helpful reminder about a brand you’ve recently checked out, but with so much going on, on your screen, many retargeting ads go unnoticed or they simply do not get any clicks because we’re so used to online ads. In other words, we deliberately try to avoid them. Not because we don’t like the brand, but because we’re already on to the next thing.
One way to avoid this digital ad fatigue is to opt for Direct Mail retargeting. It’s a simple yet powerful way to remind consumers who have visited your website without purchasing anything to return to your site. Direct Mail retargeting works by matching these visitors to mailable addresses, then sends a postcard to consider and further engage with your brand. Our existing clients often add a discount code on the postcard that these lost website visitors use when they return to a website to purchase an item or service. Think of these Retargeting Postcards as incentives mailed to people who have already shown an interest in your business.
Once set up, this program runs automatically with no minimums, contracts, or set-up fees. And you can pause the postcard mailings any time you want and get them started again at a later point. You set your daily or monthly budgets to whatever fits your wallet, and after a couple of mailings your personal dashboard will start to display your program’s analytics.
Call Modern Postcard to inquire about our Direct Mail retargeting program! 800.959.8365
Planning ahead is key to a successful holiday retail season
No matter what, we encourage planning any holiday catalog and Direct Mail retailing in good time. Black Friday always falls on the fourth Friday in November, the day after a lot of people celebrate Thanksgiving. And Cyber Monday is the first Monday following Black Friday. On this day, consumers are able to take advantage of website-only deals. Mailing your upcoming holiday promotions in time will help customers plan ahead to stop by your store, or visit your website.
We hope you’ve found this article helpful, and remember, it only takes a quick call to one of our Direct Marketing Consultants to find out more about our services. Mailing a postcard to current customers for example, is an affordable way to offer a loyalty deal to keep those sales going strong throughout the holidays. Our in-house experts can give you a quote, or direct you to one of our designers to help you design your special offer.
Amplify your business with Modern Postcard!
Call a Direct Marketing Consultant at 800.959.8365